Monday, September 15, 2008

Drugs Ahoy

The bug that started in my head last week worked its way through my nasal passage and throat over the weekend, finally winding up in my lungs last night. I coughed much of the night and slept little.

I finally gave in and called my doctor this morning. Who knew getting a prescription could be so challenging after watching Dori get 15 filled easily on a regular basis? I'm not a frequent flyer in the pharmacy world (prescription was called in under a similar name, which took three calls to sort out, and I fell out of the pharmacy's database after one year of not calling in a prescription). I am still a person, though!

Go, drugs, go. I hope to be on the streets soon, pounding pavement. My five-day hiatus feels like three weeks away.

Ann and Chris continue to deal with two storms - the aftermath of Ike and more importantly Ann's Fight to have a successful transplant. I know our little community will keep saying prayers for them and others battling the Beast. For that, I thank you.

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