Thursday, February 24, 2011

Out of the Gates

Dori and I are talking about money, so I'd rather blog about something else. She did laugh, when I just read that to her. Dori reminded me our daughter is going to college in five years, as we're planning a summer vacation. I want to spend a couple of hundred extra dollars for a nicer cabin, but I think I'm going to lose. Maybe I'll remember this moment when we stroke a check to Vanderbilt or Stanford in 2016.

So let's talk about winning. Dori has raised more than $2,000 in her first serious week of fundraising for Gilda's Club for her half marathon. She scoffed when I suggested her initial $750 goal was too low. I thought, "Man, if I wasn't your husband and knew you otherwise, I'd stroke a $100 check pronto, knowing what you've been through and what you're now doing."

I like the bar high. Especially for great causes like Gilda's. They do a great job helping families deal with cancer's devastating effects. We should know, and do. Here's the link again, if you're so inclined.

Work is crazy busy, but fun right now. The challenge is maintaining balance and coping with stress. I've only run once this week so far, a five miler at 5 a.m. with Pepper. It was cool and quiet, and we watched a stunning red-orange-pink sunrise. I think even Pepper knew it was special.

To run a half in two weeks, I'll need to run a really long one Saturday. I might do 12 or 14 miles, depending on the mood.

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