Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Beating the Cold Front

We have some frigid weather headed our way. It's been in the teens some nights this winter, but we're supposed to get near zero tomorrow night. I love the cold, but even that's a bit much. I stop running around 15 degrees with no wind and 25 with some wind.

This Arctic forecast was a major reason I arose at 4:15 yesterday morning to run six miles. I figured, "Do it now or you'll regret the missed opportunity." It was in the highs 30s yesterday morning and beautiful ... The moon was beaming and it was dead quiet outside. I lost my headband and gloves shortly after warming up. However, my body decided not to cooperate fully, which happens before 5, so the run was mostly jagged. That said, it was a good run.

So how is Dori doing? She looks terrific and has processed some emotions that surfaced in the fall. Earlier this week, I asked a 15-year lymphoma survivor when she felt "back to normal." She said "never completely" because of some eye issues, but she started feeling strong and looking almost like herself about 18 months after her diagnosis. I think Dori is right on that doorstep, and for that, I am more than grateful.

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