Friday, January 9, 2009


I've been enamored this week by my daughter's inquisitive nature and intelligence she received from her mother. It hasn't been a revelation. I simply admire how much she absorbs and processes. She questions what she does not fully comprehend. She smiles often as she talks about new things. Life is still new to her. You can almost forget that with young ones, even as they near their teens. Being with her and talking with her this week has been such a delight.

The latter half of our lives is quite different, as most of us know. We've seen or experienced much by our 40s, so not much is really new as we near old age. When something new does happen, it often is shocking - like that "ton of bricks" that fell on our lives when Dori was diagnosed with leukemia in June 2007.

I use this blog, in small part, to reflect on such things. Like I mentioned Sunday, life has some pretty nasty curveballs that come at us. I've seen some wicked pitching lately, but if I know one thing in my 40s ... I better keep swinging. The hits are better than the outs.

Seems like after checking up tonight on Ann, Ronni, PJ and other blogger buddies, I can see they agree with me.

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