Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sports medicine, here we come


I just posted on CaringBridge about Dori ... she'll be in the hospital for five days getting consolidation chemo. I am also going to VUMC tomorrow, the Vanderbilt Sports Clinic to be specific. I have an appointment regarding my left calf muscle, which is starting to feel better.

My co-workers are used to seeing my leg iced and propped up on my desk. I am sure that is a pretty sight. Tonight, I hit the Green Hills Y and did the eliptical for an hour ... 1,350 calories later, I was done and home. I love the low impact of that machine ... I never felt distress in my calf the whole hour.

I've had a few friends step up and give advice on the calf muscle injury, as well as some family share some loving concern. Sharon Flagler, wife of fellow Vanderbilt grad Dan Flagler in Maryland, is a good runner. She's had the injury before, as well as some other injuries. She advocates some muscle relaxers, among a few therapies. Training partner Ann DeNunzio gave me a name of a doctor who specializes in neuromuscular science, especially with runners. Ann isn't the first person who said I would benefit from a deep tissue massage. Buddy Mike Hollis said the same. Both runners said they are painful but worth it.

I know there are a lot bigger problems in this world right now than my stupid leg. Our family is facing one of them. That said, this race means a lot to me personally. First and foremost, it is a way to honor my wife and her courage. Just like her fight, it has had its ups and downs. But it is about reaching a goal, when you come down to it. Training has also been highly therapeutic, helping to alleviate the stress of this summer, and a way to channel energy positively.

I am confident I will be able to run in Virginia Beach in 12 days for my wife and fellow leukemia survivors. It won't be the end of the world if I cannot complete the race, but I expect I will be emotional if I do not. My mom and sister, Anne, are concerned I may do permanent or serious damage if I run through an injury. Calf injuries can get gruesome, I am told and have also learned from researching. I don't expect I'll be irrational on race day, just damned determined and eager to finish.

Please continue to keep Dori, Father Kibby, Kim Swindall and Chuck Hendry in your prayers.


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